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Outdoor Classes Tonight and Tomorrow!

An email was sent out yesterday regarding our special classes tonight and tomorrow afternoon.  Please let us know if you did not receive it.

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No Classes Monday!

Just a reminder that although all classes are running today (Saturday), there will be no classes on Monday due to it being Victoria Day.  Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!


Our May newsletter is now available. Click on the link at the bottom of our homepage to get your copy!


White Belt (11th Kyu)


Student should begin to understand the basic physical techniques.


Students should be able to perform while standing still or moving forward.

  1. Shizentai -chudan zuki
  2. Kiba Dachi -chudan zuki
  3. Zenkutsu Dachi -oi zuki, gyaku zuki
  4. Zenkutsu Dachi -age uke, gyaku zuki
  5. Zenkutsu Dachi -uchi uke, gyaku zuki
  6. Zenkutsu Dachi -soto uke, gyaku zuki
  7. Zenkutsu Dachi -gedan barai uke, gyaku zuki
  8. Zenkutsu Dachi -mae geri (keage/kekomi)
  9. Kiba Dachi -yoko geri (keage/kekomi)
  10. Kokutsu Dachi – shuto uke
  11. Zenkutsu Dachi -jodan uke
  12. Shizentai -ushiro geri
  13. Zenkutsu Dachi -mawashi geri


Ippon: Partner one attacks, partner two defends. Reverse order after 3 to 5 repetitions. Techniques for this level should be as follows:

  1. Jodan defence with age uke, gyaku zuki
  2. Chudan defence with uchi uke, gyaku zuki
  3. Chudan defence with soto uke, gyaku zuki
  4. Gedan defence with gedan barai uke, gyaku zuki


  1. Taikyoku Shodan
  2. Heian Shodan

Ukemi (Breakfalls)

  1. Back
  2. Side


  1. Osoto Gari

Self Defence

  1. Escape wrist grab
  2. Two-hand choke escape (front & back)

Student Creed

Student must be able to recite and explain 2 of 6.

Ronbun (Essay)

Topic: “Why do I study Karate?”