Curriculum Instructors

Green Belt (6th Kyu)


Emphasis on focus, breathing, power, strength and endurance.  A minimum of one Discipline Stripe must be obtained if the student is under the age of 16.


  1. Bi directional defence, yoko geri keage, urakan to the rear, shift to the front, kokutsu dachi, shuto, shift to zenkutsu dachi, gyaku zuki, step in shuto
  2. Kumite dachi  – Gyaku age uke, soto uke, kizami zuki with same hand as soto uke, gyaku zuki, gedan barai
  3. Kiba Dachi – Yoko Geri Keage, pivot to Yoko Geri Kekomi with other foot in the same direction
  4. Zenkutsu Dachi – Mikazuki geri, Yoko geri Kekomi with same foot then spin, Kake geri with other foot
  5. “Switch Kick”

Kumite:  Ippon

  1. Oi Zuki Jodan: Kokutsu dachi 45 degrees with shuto to outside (migi), yoko geri kekomi with right foot, urakan with right, gyaku zuki with left.
  2. Oi Zuki Jodan: Neko ashi dachi 45 degrees, age uke with left, yoko geri keage with left foot to arm, slide behind partner into kiba dachi, chudan enpi
  3. Oi Zuki Chudan: Zenkutsu dachi with migi soto uke, shift to kiba dachi, empi, urakan with migi side, shift back to zenkutsu dachi, gyaku zuki with hidari (left)
  4. Yoko Geri Kekomi: Defender moves to right 90 degrees to partner with right foot in front. Pivot left foot behind to zenkutsu dachi, gyaku gedan barai, oi zuki, gyaku zuki.
  5. Ushiro Geri: Double osae uke (pressing block) gyaku zuki


  1. Tekki Shodan


  1. Sode Tusuri Kome Goshi
  2. Tusuri Kome Goshi


  1. Tenchi Nage

Self Defence

  1. One arm choke defence


  1. One Kata

Green Advanced (5th Kyu)


Emphasize focus, power, endurance and the ability to adapt.


  1. Mikazuki geri, yoko geri kekomi, land in kiba dachi, empi, urakan, shift to zenkutsu dachi, gyaku zuki
  2. Kumite dachi  – age uke, urakan with blocking hand, mae geri with back leg, gyaku zuki, gedan barai
  3. Step to side in zenkutsu dachi with gedan deflection, shift to front, shuto with jodan protection, step forward with mae geri, land in kosa dachi with uraken (step to other side with back leg to continue)
  4. Kumite dachi -mae geri, yoko geri keage, yoko geri kekomi, maewashi geri jodan, ushiro geri, gyaku zuki  (alternate legs while advancing)


Student will begin creating their own combinations with a partner in order to pass the Shodan (first degree) Black Belt test. Both attacker and defender are in fighting stance.  Attacker warns his/her partner of the level of the attack (jodan, chudan) and of the technique to be executed.

  1. Jodan zuki (two techniques)
  2. Chudan zuki (two techniques)
  3. Mae Geri (two techniques)


  1. Bassai Dai


  1. Tomoe Nage.


  1. Irimi Nage

Self Defence

Defence against overhead and side strikes with a baton


One kata and 6 kumite techniques.

Written Test

Speak with Chief Instructor for details.


Blue Belt (4th Kyu)


Student should begin choose a weekly class that is assigned to them as an assistant instructor in order to fulfill the 100 hour requirement for Shodan. A minimum of one Discipline Stripe must be obtained if the student is under the age of 16.


Student will start creating their own line drills in order to prepare for the Shodan (first degree) Black Belt Test.

3 sets of 3 combination kicks only


Student should continue to develop their own kumite that was created in the previous level. Two techniques to defend against a Yoko Geri Kekomi should be added.


  1. Kanku Dai


  1. Yoko Wakare
  2. Uki Waza


  1. Sokumen Irmi Nage

Self Defence

Defence against overhead and side strikes with a knife.


One kata and kumite (should be an improvement from previous levels).

Ronbun (Essay)

Interview any other Okami Kai Martial Art or Fitness member.  Write about their life and experiences


Blue Advanced (3rd Kyu)


Responsible for all combination techniques up to 2nd kyu.

  1. 3 sets of 3 combination kicks only.
  2. 3 sets of 3 hand techniques only.


Student should continue to develop their own kumite that was created in the previous level. Two techniques to defend against a Ushiro geri should be added.


  1. Jion


  1. Hane Goshi
  2. Uchi Mata


  1. Zenpo hyaku ukemi (jumping breakfall)


  1. Kaiten Nage

Self Defence

Defence against a forward thrust with a knife


  • Student should know 2 kata (can be with different weapons)
  • Choose one to perform
  • Kumite (with one weapon)

Ronbun (Essay)

What does it mean to be a Brown Belt in Karate?


Brown Belt (2nd Kyu)


Emphasize focus, power, endurance and the ability to adapt. Student must perform in one demonstration during their study within the brown belt level(s) in order to receive a shodan rank.


Responsible for all techniques acquired so far.

  1. 3 sets of 3 combination kicks only.
  2. 3 sets of 3 hand techniques only.
  3. 3 sets of 3 combination kicks and hand techniques


Student should continue to develop their own kumite that was created in the previous level. Two techniques to defend against a Mawashi Geri should be added.


  1. Enpi


Student should be able to demonstrate 5 Judo techniques. O Goshi cannot be used.


Student should be able to demonstrate 5 Aikido techniques

Self Defence

Defence against an attacker with a handgun.


2 kata and kumite (both kata and kumite can be with different weapons)

Ronbun (Essay)

Martial Arts directly related to you. Speak to the Chief Instructor for details.


Brown Advanced (1st Kyu)

Student must have a minimum of 100 hours of instruction experience and have at least performed in one demonstration during their time of study at the brown belt levels.


Student is expected to know all of the curriculum below their level and should be able to demonstrate anything listed within the previous test requirements.


Combination techniques emphasizing:

  1. Kicks:  3 sets of 3 combination kicks only.
  2. Strikes: 3 sets of 3 hand techniques only.
  3. Combination: 3 sets of 3 combination kicks and hand techniques.
  4. “Spinning”: 3 sets of 3 combinations where student rotates 360 degrees to do at least one technique.

Upon request demonstrate individual stances/blocks/kicks.


Jiyu Ippon – 12 techniques with 6 being considered to be preferred.

Jiyu Kumite

Three minutes


  1. Hangetsu

Should be able to show an application from a portion of a kata.


  • 5 throws out of a possible 10
  • Application from attack.
  • Be able to explain the principle of Judo


  • 5 techniques  out of a possible 7
  • application from attack explain the principle of Aikido

Self Defence

  • Application of all of the above
  • 5 clean effective scenarios


3 Kata and Kumite (can be with multiple weapons)

Ronbun (Essay)

  1. History of Karate, Judo, and Aikido
  2. Essay on martial arts experience and you.

Shodan to Nidan

Student must have a minimum of 200 hours of instruction experience while still contributing to the education and operation of Okami Kai.


Combination emphasizing the following stances:

  1. Neko Ashi Dachi
  2. Fudo Dachi
  3. Kokutsu Dachi
  4. Zenkutsu Dachi
  5. Sanchin Dachi

Demonstrate individual blocks, strikes, kicks, and stances


  • Jiyu Ippon  – Ten techniques
  • Target areas will be chosen by grading panel

Jiyu Kumite

  • three minutes


  1. Unsu –  compulsory
  2. Kanku-Sho
  3. Nijushiho         
  4. Sochin

Should be able to show an application from a portion of a kata.


  • 10 throws
  • Randori


  • 10 techniques
  • Freestyle

Self Defence

  • 10 scenarios


Kata and Kumite with at least 2 different weapons

Ronbun (Essay)

  1. Explain how your grading to Shodan affected your life (ie; emotional, spiritual, how you perceive the world, and others perceive you)
  2. How can you see using martial arts and training to help other people?

Nidan to Sandan

Student must have a minimum of 300 hours of instruction experience while still contributing to the education and operation of Okami Kai.


  • 10 separate combinations
  • Student determines
  • Must demonstrate a wide variety of skill and understanding of application, kime, zanshin, and mushin
  • Demonstrate stances, blocks, strikes, and kicks
  • 3 techniques must include take downs
  • Student must be prepared to explain in detail how to execute any of the above.


Jiyu Ippon  – fifteen responses to random attacks

Jiyu Kumite

  • three minutes


  1. Gangkaku
  2. Bassai Sho
  3. Jitte                 
  4. Chinte
  5. Ji’in
  • Present two different applications of the same kata.


  • 13 throws
  • Student will be tested on his or her knowledge of the execution, application, and theory behind their throws


  • 10 techniques both as Shite and Uke
  • Jiyu Waza

Self Defence

Demonstrate a wide variety of self defence techniques (10 minimum) resulting in total control of attacker.


Kata and Kumite with at least 3 different weapons

Ronbun (Essay)

  • Student must explain his or her interpretation of one kata.
  • Student must also write an essay on where their philosophical mind and spirit is and where they feel there has or has not been changes since they commenced training.
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