Curriculum Instructors

Green Belt (6th Kyu)


Emphasis on focus, breathing, power, strength and endurance.  A minimum of one Discipline Stripe must be obtained if the student is under the age of 16.


  1. Bi directional defence, yoko geri keage, urakan to the rear, shift to the front, kokutsu dachi, shuto, shift to zenkutsu dachi, gyaku zuki, step in shuto
  2. Kumite dachi  – Gyaku age uke, soto uke, kizami zuki with same hand as soto uke, gyaku zuki, gedan barai
  3. Kiba Dachi – Yoko Geri Keage, pivot to Yoko Geri Kekomi with other foot in the same direction
  4. Zenkutsu Dachi – Mikazuki geri, Yoko geri Kekomi with same foot then spin, Kake geri with other foot
  5. “Switch Kick”

Kumite:  Ippon

  1. Oi Zuki Jodan: Kokutsu dachi 45 degrees with shuto to outside (migi), yoko geri kekomi with right foot, urakan with right, gyaku zuki with left.
  2. Oi Zuki Jodan: Neko ashi dachi 45 degrees, age uke with left, yoko geri keage with left foot to arm, slide behind partner into kiba dachi, chudan enpi
  3. Oi Zuki Chudan: Zenkutsu dachi with migi soto uke, shift to kiba dachi, empi, urakan with migi side, shift back to zenkutsu dachi, gyaku zuki with hidari (left)
  4. Yoko Geri Kekomi: Defender moves to right 90 degrees to partner with right foot in front. Pivot left foot behind to zenkutsu dachi, gyaku gedan barai, oi zuki, gyaku zuki.
  5. Ushiro Geri: Double osae uke (pressing block) gyaku zuki


  1. Tekki Shodan


  1. Sode Tusuri Kome Goshi
  2. Tusuri Kome Goshi


  1. Tenchi Nage

Self Defence

  1. One arm choke defence


  1. One Kata