Emphasis on focus, breathing, power, strength and endurance. A minimum of one Discipline Stripe must be obtained if the student is under the age of 16.
- Bi directional defence, yoko geri keage, urakan to the rear, shift to the front, kokutsu dachi, shuto, shift to zenkutsu dachi, gyaku zuki, step in shuto
- Kumite dachi – Gyaku age uke, soto uke, kizami zuki with same hand as soto uke, gyaku zuki, gedan barai
- Kiba Dachi – Yoko Geri Keage, pivot to Yoko Geri Kekomi with other foot in the same direction
- Zenkutsu Dachi – Mikazuki geri, Yoko geri Kekomi with same foot then spin, Kake geri with other foot
- “Switch Kick”
Kumite: Ippon
- Oi Zuki Jodan: Kokutsu dachi 45 degrees with shuto to outside (migi), yoko geri kekomi with right foot, urakan with right, gyaku zuki with left.
- Oi Zuki Jodan: Neko ashi dachi 45 degrees, age uke with left, yoko geri keage with left foot to arm, slide behind partner into kiba dachi, chudan enpi
- Oi Zuki Chudan: Zenkutsu dachi with migi soto uke, shift to kiba dachi, empi, urakan with migi side, shift back to zenkutsu dachi, gyaku zuki with hidari (left)
- Yoko Geri Kekomi: Defender moves to right 90 degrees to partner with right foot in front. Pivot left foot behind to zenkutsu dachi, gyaku gedan barai, oi zuki, gyaku zuki.
- Ushiro Geri: Double osae uke (pressing block) gyaku zuki
- Tekki Shodan
- Sode Tusuri Kome Goshi
- Tusuri Kome Goshi
- Tenchi Nage
Self Defence
- One arm choke defence
- One Kata