
Student Creed

Our Student Creed is the original one used by the first Karate school Shihan Campsall trained in, Hiryu Bushido Kai. All students must learn this creed and be able to recite it in order to advance to new belt ranks. Our newer students will actually earn a stripe on their belt once they have shown (in class) that they know it. Students who are younger than 8 years of age must only recite 3 of the following statements in order to receive a stripe, but just like anyone else in the dojo, they are required to know all six as soon as possible.

Our creed is something that we hope our students will try and live by. It is not an easy thing to do, but we believe it can help any martial artist achieve better performance in their life both in and outside of the dojo.

  1. I will avoid all things which could possibly reduce my mental growth or physical health.
  2. I will develop self-discipline and will never forsake a task, once undertaken, until it is completed to the best of my ability.
  3. I will always strive to bring out the best in myself and in others.
  4. I will always show respect to my parents, to those senior to me, and to those below or less fortunate than myself.
  5. I will always honor my word and commitments.
  6. I will only use Karate constructively and defensively, to aid my fellow-man and better the world around me.